Bug Talk & Walk: Migratory Bird Day


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Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Library Program Room

Come out and join Doug Macaulay and members of the Devon Nature Club for a presentation on Insects, and why they are so important to Birds, and help Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day!

Doug Macaulay is a renowned local entomologist, lepidopterist, and moth enthusiast who enjoys all things that go buzz in the night, especially moths.  Doug will explain what these big words mean, and will also share a presentation about local insects, and display some of his excellent collection.  Doug is also a published author, and co-authored the book "Garden Bugs of Alberta: Gardening to Attract, Repel and Control".

Insects are essential sources of energy for many migratory bird species, not only during the breeding seasons but also during their extensive journeys.  We will learn why many insect species are at risk, and what we can do to protect them.

Bug Talk: 1-2:30 PM in the Library Program Room.

Optional Bug Walk: departs from the Library at 2:30 PM weather permitting, ending about 4 PM.

Age: All ages welcome

If you plan to participate in the optional "Bug Walk" portion wear comfortable walking shoes. The optional Bug Walk may involve  some uneven terrain. Please - no pets.